Whole-grained raft

“Archetypes are images of the soul that represent the course of ones life.”Carl Jung Jung worked at an acclaimed asylum in Zurich when he started his work on the unconscious by trying to understand his patients.  Freud worked with a drastically different population, notably middle-aged and upper class women in Vienna. While a different generation,…

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Wise Old Grandma

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” Leo Tolstoy Well last post I said how I was going to talk about what “we’re swimming towards” but  I got excited and wrote too much and decided to break it up into two parts. So here’s some stuff on life stages…

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A Salmon’s Current

“The doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught.”Herman Hesse I apologize for the hiatus, I…

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Roots Underneath

Looking at the above photo one gets an idea of that rustic, romanticized aloneness that we see in movies and novels.  “That tree is such an individual, what a rugged antihero of a tree, like the Batman of trees, strong in a desolate place, sure reminds me of me”. However, that tree is still standing…

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Life Spices

The overwhelming majority of people today are assailed by choices wherever they turn.  How someone wants their coffee, their clothes, their love life, every aspect of an outward life can be customized.  We equate these choices with love–the more specific the more meaningful. In fact, focusing on the customization of everything is what some might…

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Elephant Trails

Last post I talked about the shadow and how common it is to do something that keeps you in the position you’re in, but be determinedly unconscious of it.  The most common (and often substantial) problems in our lives are also the hardest to see, the largest elephants are somehow the most stealthy. Our elephants…

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When I was a kid, my favorite book was called The monster at the end of the book.  It was  a Sesame Street book, and the premise is that Grover is deathly afraid of the monster at the end of the book.  So every page he pours cement, sets wood, pastes glue, does anything he…

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Happy New Year!

Welcome to The Gas Station Observatory! Today is our grand opening! So come on in check out the site. Stay awhile read the first article with the Scholar summing up his 2018, or check out the Ground Floor to look at our writings and what we recommend. Learn about your resident Gentleman and Scholar Us…

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2018 – The Scholar

When you look back at your life, there will be some years that are more important than others, that’s just how things work. 2018 was one of those years. Not because it was awesome, but because it was awesome: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear. This year was a doozy. 2018…

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