Two Halves

“You are a slave to what you need in your soul.”Carl Jung The Other SexWe have gone over our Hyde’s and Grover’s, through currents of spiced wheat fields and roots to discover ourselves.  Paradoxically enough, the deeper you knowingly immerse yourself into the collective that all people share, the more you will discover and be…

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Why Hyde?

“Man is not truly one, but truly two.”Robert Louis Stevenson’s Let’s look today at Robert Louis Stevenson’s story of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll was an esteemed scientist who created a potion to let out Mr. Hyde, a monster of a man who was purely selfish and barbaric.  Jekyll…

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Half-Frosted Wheats

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” The Gospel of Thomas Well my mini-wheats, we are still sailing on, but I misjudged as a new captain and we…

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A Gonzo Compadre

I just wanted to jump in here and say that it’s Jerry Jeff Walker’s birthday, and he has been one of the primary dudes I jam since I was 14 or so, so he helped make me a pretty weird kid.  He wrote his famous song Mr. Bojangles while in jail in New Orleans, and…

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The Fred Eaglesmith Show

It was a dark, and blustery night as we wound our way through the hill country. We happened upon a gate, a community with their own airport and residents with an affinity for flying assuming with the various scattered hangars we passed. As we followed a vehicle who had been our entry into this stowed…

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Whole-grained raft

“Archetypes are images of the soul that represent the course of ones life.”Carl Jung Jung worked at an acclaimed asylum in Zurich when he started his work on the unconscious by trying to understand his patients.  Freud worked with a drastically different population, notably middle-aged and upper class women in Vienna. While a different generation,…

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Wise Old Grandma

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” Leo Tolstoy Well last post I said how I was going to talk about what “we’re swimming towards” but  I got excited and wrote too much and decided to break it up into two parts. So here’s some stuff on life stages…

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A Salmon’s Current

“The doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught.”Herman Hesse I apologize for the hiatus, I…

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Roots Underneath

Looking at the above photo one gets an idea of that rustic, romanticized aloneness that we see in movies and novels.  “That tree is such an individual, what a rugged antihero of a tree, like the Batman of trees, strong in a desolate place, sure reminds me of me”. However, that tree is still standing…

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